I have been in one Process since one month ago and no resolution because we are losing lots of time with the agency.
I was waiting answers from Jana Ivancoa, then she had to contact Avast, then Avast to answer her, etc etc etc… We can deal directly to avoid this.
I told Jana that I could have the interview after 2pm in Portugal and she has arranged for 2pm CZ time, making you to waste time, and me as well.
I like to deal directly, she has done her work, now it’s time for a direct contact, in case of interest, as I have never had a call from Avast to confirm and to talk a little about the Job Description that I have no idea what is it about.
I am sending this message just to have a direct contact, knowing I am interested in a conversation to know more about the project I have applied for.
Avast Software Facebook profile did not help me at all by message.
This is not the way to contact about avast about things like this.
Besides that, Jana Ivancoa appears not to be working at avast.
As you already seem to have had contact with her, contact her again.
Where is the:
"Hello dear customer? Dear customer?
We apology to know your issue, but regarding it we can’t do nothing as it needs to be through our “Send us your CV” option.
We are really sorry but this is the only way to contact our HR Department.
Thank you for your contact, and wishes of good luck for the process.
My dear,
Jana is not Avast employee, and it is not written on my message she is.
She is the intermediate person, but it is a waste of time so many messages and no resolutions.
To finish this and you can close the topic after my message, I hope your TL will know about your Customer Service level. At least try to read on a Google search, how to answer customers on a correct way.
Regardless of what you were told, Eddy gave you the correct way to contact avast to submit your CV.
I don’t know if it is because English isn’t your first language, but your reply appears very angry, which would be strange when looking for a position in avast.
For the most part those helping on the avast support forums are avast users (as Eddy and I are) and not avast employees. So it is best to go direct to avast using the link given by Eddy.
Where is the: "Hello dear customer? Dear customer?
It is not there because you are not a customer of mine.
Perhaps you are a customer of avast, but that has nothing to do with trying to get a job they are offering.
Those are two separate things.
Jana is not Avast employee, and it is not written on my message she is.
I never said that you claimed that she is a avast employee.
I only said that is seems that she isn't.
It is very clear that you had contact with Jana and not with avast.
So if there are problems you need to take it up with her (or her employer) as avast has nothing to do with it.