HTML:IFrame-JR [Trj] Trojan Detected when trying to go on website

Hey guys,

I am trying to go on a site for basketball info called a safe site that i always used before. But my avast virus protection keeps popping up everytime i google the word hoop group or type in in the address bar. I have malware bytes and did a quick scan n didnt detect it. But Avast is the one that is keep popping up with the warning to abort connection. I tried doing a google search on this issue and i have read problems but not really any answers. The trojan is called HTML:IFrame-JR [Trj]. Any help here guys? thanks again in advance for the help.

Another question is, is this trojan/virus a problem for the website and their servers, or can this site infect my computer and ruin mine?

Avast! is blocking it from injecting the Trojan onto your computer. Basically, it will infect people who don’t have Avast!. I’m getting an Avast! alert just from Googling it as well. Finjan is reporting that it is infected with Mal/ObfJS-CB. Unmask Parasites also found 1 suspicious inline script.
As the admins are probably not aware their site has been hacked, they need to be contacted. There are a couple of different e-mail addresses listed for the site. I’m not sure which one should be contacted, probably mwolf9(at)hoopgroup(dot)com.

Hi jerzmade,

Web page security report give this suspicious link:

Suspicious Inline Scripts
link - hXtp://

Script outside of

...</HTML> block
function CBeKy(lFwuKN){ var TySUSIZW=new Function("ncX", "return 872821;");alert('NmTqOe');window.e..

Hidden spam links:

2 pages did download and install malcode without user’s consent. Last time malcode was found on mentioned site was at 2009-09-15.
Malicious software includes 4 scripting exploits. Successful infection resulted in an average of 1 new process on the target machine.

This site was hosted on 1 network(s) including AS1785 (AS),


jesus, i did google hoopgroup again n clicked like the third or second link n got on their site clicked on contact us and emailed them saying their site is hacked.

Another question I have is do I need to do anything with my computer, I dont think its infected with anything i did a couple of scans n seems to be good.

You shouldn’t have to as the Web Shield should have blocked access and anything getting on to your system. I would however suggest that you clear your browser cache (temporary internet files) and if you feel the need run an avast scan.

gotchya, i emailed this mwolf guy and let him know.

Thanks again guys very helpful and prompt. You guys are great.