Report 2010-07-30 08:48:49 (GMT 1)
Domain Hash eda8418133f46665a78a4fc69cd602c4
IP Address [SCAN]
IP Hostname
IP Country US (United States)
AS Number 32244
AS Name LIQUID-WEB-INC - Liquid Web, Inc.
Detections 0 / 17 (0 %)
Status CLEAN
Are you still getting the alert ?
If so please try to capture an image of the alert window and post it. Or open the avastUI, Real-Time Shields, Web Shield, click the Show report file. The most recent entries are at the bottom of the file, copy and paste the entries relating to this alert/s.
Change any http/www in the URL to hXXp/wXw to avoid accidental exposure.
Avast isn’t alone in detecting this, though there are very few hits (effectively only two as gdata also uses avast as one of it two scanners, leaving only sunbelt as the other detection), not many AVs are actually looking for or capable of detecting