Hi, Avast is prompting that it detected this virus in most websites. I know there have been post re HTML:Script-inf. I have not found a post on how to remove the virus. I would appreciate it if you could help me with this. Thank you!
what website?
it just comes out at random.
could you attach screenshot of the popup
Unmsakparasites suspicious http://www.UnmaskParasites.com/security-report/?page=odesk.com
It pops out alo when I use firefox. I really appreciate you helping me with this. Thank you! Pls see attached image.
here’s another
suspicious http://quttera.com/detailed_report/jobstreet.com
I have not found a post on how to remove the virus.are these websites yours?
I was trying to view link from the website you gave and it pop out again.
not surprised since the code avast detect is displayed on that site
Sir, I’m not sure what to do with the links you gave me. There are websites where you have to download an app to remove this html inf virus but I do not want to do that as I am afraid that I might get infected with another virus. I’m an average guy who surfs the internet and who is not very good with technical things. I would appreciate it if you could give me instructions like a dummy would understand. Thank you very much! I really appreciate you spending time to solve my problem.
the infection is not in your computer … avast alert when you try to access these websites where avast see a malicious code
so unless you own those websites, there is nothing you can do
or do you get these popups when not surfing?
I get this pop up when I surf
So my machine is not infected, cool. Closing the ‘pop up’ every time it pops out when I go online is annoying. I’m sure there is a way to prevent avast from giving the virus alert. Thank you very much Sir for your time!