I’m a newbie here.
I keep getting a warning from Avast complaining about this address. Of course I’M not trying to go there, it’s something in the background doing it. It says its a Trojan.
JS: Treffuc-C[Trj] specifically.
See attached screen shot.
It goes off every so often as I surf or get into my hotmail account - but random.
Is it false? I can’t find any info about it out there on the web, nor here. I can’t be the first one if it were truly a Trojan, could I? Anyway, only annoying for now.
So far I have only “aborted connection” when it appears.
The second attachment here is from the log. The items in the yellow box is from a few months ago and hasn’t been warning me.
Add me to this list. I get this same exact error all over msnbc.com. Doesn’t matter if I use Firefox 3.6.10 or IE8. Seems like a false positive. Hopefully they’ll fix it soon. It’s annoying.
If only GData and avast detect it - GData uses avast as one of its two scanners so counts as 1 detection and almost certainly an FP.
Have you sent the sample to avast for analysis:
Send the sample to avast as a False Positive:
Open the chest and right click on the file and select ‘Submit to virus lab…’ complete the form and submit, the file will be uploaded during the next update.
Edit: I have just tried to visit hxxp://aggregateknowledge.net and I get a blank page, so it looks like they might have taken the site down ?
I find no actual file for submission in the chest. This issue is being stopped prior to getting any file from this suspicious web address I guess. A full system AV scan finds no virus on my PC - nor did it ever, in this case.