this is the 2nd time I encountered the same problem in bout 1 month.
Both resulting in the same problem. I searched in this forum and found topics from 2003 but didn’t include any solution.
Windows gave me an “out of date” error on my antivirus files bout a month ago
So when updating avast i got the msg saying avast encountered a Http error on update.
I tried repairing but had to uninstall avast in the end. So redowned the online version with the same result : http error
I downed the offline version and at first i worked normally. Yesterday i got the windows msg again saying out of date
and yet again i’m getting the http error ?
I included a prt screen but as I am dutch speaking …
If it is easier for you, there is a Dutch forum here.
The error happens when avast sends a request to the server and the server is giving a answer that isn’t expected.
Kinda like a person asking you what the weather is like at your place and you answer that you have a red car.
There are multiple things that can cause this.
Some are (not limited to) :