Huawei Y6 keeps killing Avast background process.


I’ve been having an issue on my Huawei Y6 where Avast Mobile Security’s background process keeps getting killed by the device intermittently.

I have ensured the app is set to “Manage Manually” in Device Settings>Battery>Launch with “Auto-Launch”, “Secondary Launch”, and “Run in Background” all enabled. I have also made sure the app is allowed to show notifications (apart from offers) so the sticky notification can be displayed. Despite all this my phone still keeps trying to kill the background process causing the app to either restart, stop responding or cause my phone to run incredibly slowly.

The problem usually occurs after locking and unlocking my phone but it may also happen while I’m using my phone.

Does anyone know how to fix this issue?

Device: Huawei Y6 (2018)
EMUI: 8.0.0

PS. I’m aware that Huawei’s Phone Manager has Avast virus protection built in but I prefer to use the full Avast Mobile Security app since it has features like Anti-Theft as well as the ability to link it to my account.

Hi, I can recommend you to check, which is a nice summary of how various manufacturers use optimizing features. I hope it helps!

Hi Tereza, sorry for the late reply.

Unfortunately the only non-developer options that site lists are things I’ve already tried as mentioned in my OP.

There are some developer options on the site but since I am not an Avast dev I cannot implement them.

Please go to:

  • device Settings
  • “Battery”
  • make sure that none of the power saving modes (Power saving mode, Ultra power saving mode) is active
  • further in the same settings tap “Launch”
  • make sure the app is allowed to start and restart itself
  • further again in “Battery” settings tap “Optimize”
  • make sure that the Avast Mobile Security is not optimized

Unfortunately, the system used in Huawei phones (EMUI) tends to kill apps running in the background “at all costs” and even if we do all we can to prevent this, while this feature is a part of the system, there really is not much a developer could do about this. Only users can eventually prevent this by changing the system settings or Huawei could change this by not implementing such strict “power saving”.

It’s just as I feared then. Now I understand why Huawei has bad user ratings. Guess I’ll just have to see if my contract allows anytime upgrades so I can go back to a true Android (non-EMUI) device. Thanks for your help.