Huge Security Update Package Coming Today

Today, Microsoft will issue 13 security updates that cover 34 separate vulnerabilities in various versions of Windows and other products, 8 of which are rated critical

Fun times for us dial-up users :frowning:

With a bit of luck I won’t need most of them.

Hey David, Just got the updates, They were 7.5 MB for Windows 7. But they were over 34 MB for Vista. I hope you don’t have any plans for the day! ;D

I’m on XP Pro I did a quick manual check earlier but nothing reported, which I know is wrong as all IE versions 6/7/8 have updates for XP/Vista/win7. It might just be time frame as I normally don’t get the WU shield tray icon a day or so after release.

Windows 7 only had 6 updates. :slight_smile:

41.4 mb to download.

2-1/2 hours later, restarted and all OK.

I watched a dvd while the updates downloaded and installed.

Strange, only 11 High Priority updates (no critical ones reported), but I did decline the usual malicious software removal tool leaving 10 updates and 9.7MB for me, just under 40 minutes in dial-up (with XP Pro SP3).

I think it depends on what Microsoft products on your machine, IIRC, you don’t have .NET Framework, so, there should be smaller number of updates. Also, I guess there are office updates, too.

Yes my MS Office 97 does what I need of it basic docs and spreadsheets and is obviously unsupported for updates.

I received 13 + 3 updates - 3 for office 2007. 35.3 MB.


58.9MB for me (even that I guess a few of it has been downloaded in background), list of my Microsoft Products, but I’ve not look to see which one has update, it says 20 Important Update + 5 Optional:

  • Windows Vista Home Premium Service Pack 2
  • Office 2007 Ultimate (+Sharepoint Designer) SP2
  • Microsoft Expression 3
  • .Net Framework 3.5 SP1 /2 /1.1
  • Visual Studio 2008 SP1
  • Microsoft Money Essentials

My Vista Home Basic SP2 got 15 important and 1 recommended updates (53,6 Mb).