no need to reply I don’ I amgoing to take time and modifie every thing I will let you know when I get it ready and would not blame you if you don’t read it after that I would not blame you either. It might not be ready in tel tomorrrow. I am very sory I mess up that bad. thanks Sharon I think I am having a reaction to a different medication
it was from a new medication. I am doing better.
ii maybe should ask this in the virus forum if i am i will gladly restat start it there and delete this one. i am going to send in the next post send the log of the antisuperspyware. it has found this the last 2 times i have run. a virus scanner and Malawi when the scan they fine nothing.
thanks Sharon ;D
I delete the temporary file, history and cookies before I run SuperAntiSpyware. If I happen to forget to delete them, I let SuperAntispyware remove them for me.
that just the thing it all ways tell me that it needs to reboot before it can finish witch means they should be deleted. right after i let it reboot itself. I just went to start then click accessories then system tools and click clean disk. witch means they should be deleted there if they did not get deleted when it rebooted itself. they would get deleted when I clean the disk re scan again just to see if they got deleted or not. some wood and others were not and some different one would be there. malware and spyblaster would not fine any thing. no cookies threads from them. this is where I started to have one of the two blue screens i had got. well say just one time here that I don’t thing the blue screen had any thing to do with the other crash’s.
thanks Sharon
sense right now i only have the free version of antisuperspyware i cannot fine where to click so i and can copy paste the logs i want to post i think there is 3. witch after each scan it rebooted itself and it was to delete the files that it found, but when i scan again it found some and it rebooted and suppose to have delete. i cannot recall how many times i scan one after the other. i think i did 3 times. i thing it well let me copy paste the logs i want after this scan is over.
i cannot think of any reason after it deleted and rebooted why it found more can you?
I am always scare to ask new question because of not being
sure how to ask it probably. and what other information I should tell you just like I do not know if other then sending the logs that are necessary if you need any other information, but I will say my computer is an HP computer running with windows vista service pack 2. if any thing you need ask me and I well try and fine. and if you have any trouble finding the question I have ask also is it still hard for any one to understand me?
I am not sure how much I had wrote yesterday before the computer shut is self off, but I am not going to talk about that first I like to have my last guestion answer witch is most times I only do a spyware check one a week or some times every 2 week... when I found out what I thought might be trouble. I have been ask to post full logs and not just part of it, but I feel the need to just post this right now and ask you if you want all the logs that I scan when I thought there was trouble starting. these are in order of how I scan them one after another because I could not figure out after it rebooting and was suppose to delete the file thread that was found but would still come up with some of the same ones and different file threats that was found. why did this happen? or was it suppose to happen like that? here is the number of file threats detected that were found.
do you want me to send each log one right after the other? or the 1st one and maybe the middle one and last one? in order to understand better I need to know once again here is the questions. after each reboot and it was to delete the file thread it found but did not delete all of them and f thanound difference one too why did this happen?
here is hopeing I did this right so I can get by this and ask another questions I have witch I need to ask as soon as I can.
thanks to any one that has help or at least as tried to help me and mostly be thanking the one or ones helping me with this.
thanks Sharon
sence no reply here yet I am going to start a new question because I think I really need help on that problem but would really like to have a reply by in the morning. then witch ever one I see answer 1st I will stick with it till I have no other replys to answer and then go to the other one. so I well still be sticking to one problem at a time.
thanks Sharon
I am sure I mention it in the beginning of the question, but I guess I should write it more offten in other posts in case some one has not read at the beginning. I will go back and check to make sure I did. it was my AntiSuperSpyware. the malware did not fine then or SpywareBlaster. i do these either weekly and at times every other week. i was told I do the avast scanner every day is wrong so I do that Evey week or 2 as well I may have found some information on the computer that may help but I have to hand copy it down. I well 1st try to fine some thing I can copy paste about the computer. I have a lot going on today but well make sure all my replies as short as I can and to point. Thanks for the reply CharleyO.
I am not going to change any thing here I will just say it is a dead post.
the computer information I left here is at the bottom of this post
I guess I will try it this way I will give you some information that I had saved on the computer from a post I stated way back when. if it is what you need or not will you point me in the right derection to fine what you need… then In the next post I will send you a log or 2, but I am not sure whether to send the last ones I did 1st or if I should do it the other way around. I will only send the last log I did. mainly because it found Memory threats detected : 0
Registry items scanned : 7820
Registry threats detected : 0
File items scanned : 28380
File threats detected : 8
there was a couple I did not get in the one post there were 2 I did not see till today. that means there were 8 times and not 6 times insted there were 8 time I did the antisuperware. witch ment there were 2 out 8 times that they were 8 thread File detected.
it rebooted all 8 times and deleted all that it found and when scan it would fine more. this is the very 1st time this has happen to me. I can ask another guestion here that may help me and that is has this ever happen to any one els?
Operating System: Windows Vista™
Home Premium (6.0, Build 6001) Service
Pack 1 (6001.vistasp1_gdr.080917-1612)
System Manufacturer: Hewlett-Packard
System Model: HP Pavilion dv6700
Notebook PC
Operating System: Windows Vista™ Home
Premium (6.0, Build 6001) Service Pack 1
Language: English (Regional Setting:
System Manufacturer: Hewlett-Packard
System Model: HP Pavilion dv6700
Hi Sharon, All those file threats are just cookies. They are nothing more than a very minor privacy issue, are easy to remove, and are nothing to worry about.
More “cookies” will reappear every time you browse the internet. They can easily be removed, but I wouldn’t worry about them, the cookies are not the reason your computer is crashing and restarting.
If you can locate the log that you wrote about above, where it says
my guess is that cookies will also be the “threats” detected, but I can’t know without seeing the logs.
I think the reason your computer is crashing is either a hardware problem (loose wires or modules, failing RAM, failing power supply) or that it is overheating. If it is overheating, check that there is enough airflow to the box,( for example, a laptop should not be placed on a carpet, as that can obstruct the vents underneath,) and inside the box will be two fans. One for the power supply, the other for the CPU. Check that there is not large quantities of dust packed in there. If there is, gently blow it out with compressed air. (You can buy cans of this). Don’t touch any of the areas where things plug in to other things/ circuit boards etc. Just blow the dust out. (Have a vacuum cleaner ready! There can be a lot of dust.
I’d like you to try uninstalling Superantispyware, please, just in case this is causing the problem.
Myself and another user have reported a problem with this on their forum, it is being investigated.
How it has affected me is that it uses 99% CPU as soon as the program starts, and eventually causes a blue screen/crash.
Not everyone is getting this, of course. Just a small number of users.
The theory is it could be a software conflict, but they’re working on it.
So, just in case it is causing you a similar problem, remove it. See how things go.
If you need help with the removal procedure, let us know.
OK I will unstall my antisuperspyware and if it does not unstall right. i will come back tell ya just what is going on so any one can tell me how to remove it the rest of the way. I do how ever remember when netzero witch was my ISP for all most a year gave me trouble from the begin and it was more then slow dialup connection. I have had a lot of dial ups, but netzero was the slowest one I ever had. another thing they were really pushing and trying to get me to restall nortin sense i unstalled norton the same day the computer came home. back to the point I had to unstall netzero many times and had to put the computer in safe mode in order to unstall it all the way. I do know just where to go to install it when some lets me know when i should reinstall antisuperspyware.
thank you very much I hope that is the cause of all that cashing the computer is doing.
thanks again
if you want 1st thing in morning I well send you any or all of them that i did sense this is going on. the computer is on block about and inch away from the computer desk. and we try to keep them in certain spots under the computer. I will see here fist thing and well send what you need. thanks Sharon I did unstall it bur I hope I did it the right way I get the logs and got rid of the rest
quote author=Tarq57 link=topic=47485.msg401608#msg401608 date=1250209360]
I’d like you to try uninstalling Superantispyware, please, just in case this is causing the problem.
Myself and another user have reported a problem with this on their forum, it is being investigated.
How it has affected me is that it uses 99% CPU as soon as the program starts, and eventually causes a blue screen/crash.
Not everyone is getting this, of course. Just a small number of users.
The theory is it could be a software conflict, but they’re working on it.
So, just in case it is causing you a similar problem, remove it. See how things go.
If you need help with the removal procedure, let us know.
sence I did not get an e-mail saying to send the 1st one or the last on. it will take me a few min. in between eash one., but will start with the 1st and will do all 8 in less some one sense stop. they are all cookies.
I have done a real stupid thing but I think some one can tell me how to get the logs I need. I unstalled the antisuperspyware before I copied the logs I need now. when I unstalled it gave me a choose of keeping the logs and quriitteen {spelt wrong} would some tell me how to fine them???
OK thank you every thing seem OK. I will let you know if the weird screen comes up again or if I here that sound like it is trying to hard.
thanks Sharon
Please do let us know. If it behaves, SAS was probably the problem.
If it doesn’t, it’s probably one of the other hardware issues mentioned.
As I said in the other thread, fingers X’d.
yes I wil let you and every one know how it is doing. some time back your sent me a site that I could learn me all the things like that sas. I do know os is operating system, but can not fine that site that will help me learn all of that.
when I get caught up right now if you have not sent me a site by then. I well start searching thew all the post you have sent me to see if I can fine it.
thanks again.!!! Sharon