in the last few days i have been sending many emails unknowingly to business contacts. the emails have no heading and just a link, but it comes from my email
i am using outlook/MAC office on my mac pro. i checked my sent folder to see how many emails i sent and there was nothing.
i took the precaution of changing my webmail password (same email address used on outlook)
i have downloaded Avast on my Mac pro (free version). there does not seem to be a virus on my computer.
So who is using my email address?
how can i prevent this and stop it.
i am ok buying a software but wanted to try Avast Free version before spending money without being certain it would resolve the problem.
thank you for your advice.
Thank you for your reply.
i am using outlook on my Mac Pro for 95% of my emails and sometimes i use webmail to check my email whilst away from my outlook/Mac Pro
but in order for outlook to retrieve my emails from my company server it uses my password and username (identical to webmail).
follow this link and check if your email has been compromised .
Btw,if it says that your email is not compromised,it doesn’t mean that it is safe.