Hi Pavel !
I can`t find out how to set my timezone ?
My timezone is 2 hours ahead on what time you forym have i means what when your forum is now 3.23 PH it is now in my country 5.23 PH.
Please help me ?
kind regards
Hi Pavel !
I can`t find out how to set my timezone ?
My timezone is 2 hours ahead on what time you forym have i means what when your forum is now 3.23 PH it is now in my country 5.23 PH.
Please help me ?
kind regards
Just enter +2 in the correct place in your Profile settings.
[b]Time Offset:[/b] Number hours to +/- to make displayed time in your local time.
So enter +2 in the window to thr right of this Text.
HTH David
Yes DavidR i have try it but it dont help i am member some other forums and you can set your timezone ny city in the world this +2 don
t works if i set it to +2 it will only show 20 like 8 ph up with Hey LIFE there most be another solution ?
But was the time right other than being in a different format???
I can’t see anywhere that you can set a timezone. 20:00 is 24 hour clock which is 8 p.m. on the 12 hour clock and it would appear that you need to set the Time Format: if you wish to view the time in 24 hour format.
Time Format You have the power to adjust how the time and date look for yourself. There are a lot of little letters, but it's quite simple. The conventions follow PHP's strftime function and are described as below (more details can be found at php.net).The following characters are recognized in the format string:
%a - abbreviated weekday name
%A - full weekday name
%b - abbreviated month name
%B - full month name
%d - day of the month (01 to 31)
%D - same as %m/%d/%y
%e - day of the month (1 to 31)
%H - hour using a 24-hour clock (range 00 to 23)
%I - hour using a 12-hour clock (range 01 to 12)
%m - month as a number (01 to 12)
%M - minute as a number
%p - either “am” or “pm” according to the given time
%R - time in 24 hour notation
%S - second as a decimal number
%T - current time, equal to %H:%M:%S
%y - 2 digit year (00 to 99)
%Y - 4 digit year
%Z - time zone or name or abbreviation
%% - a literal ‘%’ character
Clicking on the ? icon next to the Time Format brings up this list.
Hi LIFE (Gee, that almost sounds good enough to drink.)
If your in NY, then your offest is -4. If you look at the forum time which is posted right close to where you have to put the offset, you’ll notice that subtracting 4hrs from that time, is yours.
Hope this helps. ;D
I think that the ny in his second post was a typo and meant ‘my city in the world’, I based my +2 on his information, see quote below.
My timezone is 2 hours ahead on what time you forym have i means what when your forum is now 3.23 PH it is now in my country 5.23 PH.
Hi DavidR
Then it should be +2 just as you said.
If it is so heart to find out so i think i will forgit to get it right i will wait to your find a more easy system or not i don`t care i no what my time is 2 hours ahead of the cjek republic so i just use what !
Hi Life,
It’s not that bad, really – and it’s only for your convenience here on the forums, to show in your own local time when postings were made so you can easily see how recent they are.
I couldn’t remember what the forum’s default “base” time is, so I had to go back and check my profile. I’m in Eastern Daylight Time and my adjustment is -4, so forum “standard time” must be the same as UT, formerly Greenwich Time.
If I remember correctly, the Alwil team (in the Czech Republic) are +2, so I believe +4 should be the correct setting for you.
As for the display format, if you leave that blank then I believe it uses the “native” format of whatever country/language your version of Windows is. If you prefer a different format just here in the forums, you can enter a different coding in that line DavidR referred to.
Or if you want to change the time-display format generally for your computer, you can do that in the Control Panel, Regional and Language Settings.
P.S. I must have misread your postings, thought you said you were 2 hours ahead of the Czech Republic. But if you’re 2 hours ahead of “forum time” before you touch anything, then the others are correct and your adjustment should be +2.