I cannot find way back to "scan trough resource management" window in UI

After newest total layout update and right-click scans performing trough Avast UI instead of their own little window, couple of times I’ve clicked away from the window that shows the scan process, I don’t seem to find my way back to that window since I don’t find it in “other scan methods” menu. This also seems to be that I cannot cancel the scans I’ve started and seems like I need to wait them to finish. I can still see the scan progress as green line in Avast’s toolbar icon. Can someone give advice if I can go back to recourse management scan UI window? If it cannot do it it feels like somewhat design oversight. :-\

You can’t go back.

Well that sure seems rather weird thing design-wise.

I agree and I wonder what the one at avast had to drink when (s)he came up with this idea.