I have purchased avast pro but i could not see lic.ence file in my mail sent by avast. “it says we have sent the licence file with this e-mail.” but i cant see it. I am using gmail. please help. I am from Turkey
is there no attachment?
i could not see it. is it a common problem with gmail?
You won’t see it, it is a attachment.
If you want to have it sent again:
There is no file attached to the mail. Just introductions and payment info.
Looks like the payment isn’t processed yet.
Have some patience and wait for the next mail, or try the link I gave you.
I tried the link and it has been resent with the licence file.Thanks for your help.
How to insert license … in case you wonder http://www.avast.com/en-eu/faq.php?article=AVKB8#artTitle
Or video http://www.avast.com/en-eu/faq.php?article=AVKB113#artTitle