HELP!!!I can no longer access my msn, my netscape, or the mail from either! I have been told it may be a virus, but I ran the avast removal tool and it said I have no viruses! Does anyone have a suggestion??? Regards, John… 8) :-\
The Avast cleaner is not the tool you need for this kind of problem. You need the “real” Avast scanner. But what happens if you try to get your mail? Any errormessage are the serversettings( Pop3 settings Passwords and so on) still the orginal or did they change in any way? Did you install something to your computer bevor that happens?
When trying to acess my mail I have to 1st login to, after I do and press login an error page comes up and says “cannot find server” or DNS error! This is also happening on netscape and netscape mail also as well as a couple of other sites where I have to login to access. See atached example of erroe page.
It seems as though your email settings have changed.
I assume that the problem arose after installing AVAST…Yes?
Please run the AVAST Email Wizard which you can access from the Start/Programs/Alwil-Avast folder.
Avast will reset the server address for email to and use Port 25 for POP3 and Port 110 for SMTP.
When you run the Wizard, make sure you select "Protect all mail accounts (present and future), and insure that you check to have BOTH incoming and outgoing mail scanned.
download version 4.1.280 from and install it.
Run a full scan and see what AVAST detects.
You will be given options to Delete/Move to chest if a virus is found. This should take care of your problem.
Good luck.
To Techie 101, This actualy started BEFORE I got Avast! This was the reason I actualy got it! :-[ I’ve been trying to find out what’s going on from MSN & Netscape and no one seems to have any answers! ??? But, in another forum someone suggested it may be a virus or a trojan so I came to Avast for help : Any suggestions? P.S. so far no infections have been found! Regards, John S. 8)
Hm, give us some more information. What Emailclient do you use and what are the settings for each Mailprovider(Netscape, Hotmail) like Pop3/Imap/SMTP-server. Are you able to get your Mails through their Web interfaces?
I use Outlook Express but, the Hotmail and Netscape accts. are the free accts. : and I normaly access them online. (That is until the problem started) Now after I login I get the error page! :-X John S. 8)
Hm, there seems to be some missconfigurated things!? Ever tried an other Browser like Mozillafirebird?
Only to see if it work with this one.
GOOD IDEA!!!I really didn’t think of doing that! I do however use SlimBrowser but it works with the IE engine. I,m Downloading the Moz.Firebird now I’ll let you know if it works!!! Regards, John… 8)
I think that Raman is right on the money. It seems apparent that your configuration settings are wrong. Since you can access Hotmail and Netscape online (web mail) then I would suspect that we need to reconfigure your email settings for Outlook Express.
Are you familiar enough with Outlook to reset the server address and ports or would you like me to try to help you check them?
Also, do you use a Proxy filter or Firewall?
techie ???
“Since you can access Hotmail and Netscape online (web mail) then I would suspect that we need to reconfigure your email setting” ??? Techie 101, I Can Not Access the online Web mail! That is the problem! However MSN Support has advised me that my IE security settings may have been changed (How I don’t know) and they have told me what to check so I’ll get back to you after I’ve checked it out. John S… 8)
My apology…I misread your post.
In lieu of what MS has advised, I would recommend that you set the IE security level to “default” for all zones to start then raise it to Medium once the email is working ok.
I have also put such things as my email, Windows Update and even Avast into the Trusted Zone to prevent blocking.
Good luck