i can't connect to msn

hi! i’ve been trying to connect my msn and i keep having problem 80048820. i’ve tried to solve it with the hepl assistant and it says i have a problem with my antivirus not allowing MSNmsgr.exe

i’ve got avast 4.7 home edition

thank you!!

The help assistant doesn’t know much about avast as it doesn’t block I the way a firewall might, it just scans and alerts if malware is found. I assume that didn’t happen ?

What is your firewall ?

You could try a forum search for this as I’m sure there are a few topics on this as there are some who had the same problem and it was unrelated to avast. I think there might have been an MS KB article about it.

thank you for the tip! i’ll try with the firewall

http://www.imzers.com/msn/solve/error-code-80048820 click on this link…

not allowing MSNmsgr.exe
Windows Live Messenger error code 80048820 this might help as it looks like its a problem with the windows messenger :)