I can't delete Malware in Chest

My scan yesterday showed that I have four Malware in Firefox files. I was able to put them in the Chest, but when I select them and press “Delete” the program asks me if I want to “Restore” them. Is this some type of bug in your program?

How do I delete these Malware from my computer?

Thanks, Rita

Close the browser and delete the cache.

I deleted the cache with the browser open, can it be done with the browser closed?

It must be done with the browser closed.
When files are in use they often are not deleted.

Close the browser
Navigate to the browsers cache folder and delete all files in it.

Ok, thanks! Unfortunately I don’t know how to navigate to the cache to delete it on my Mac. Would it be possible for you to give me more info?

And even if I do this, I still have the issue with Avast not allowing me to delete Malware from the Chest. When I click Delete, it says “Do you want to restore?”.

Files in chest can not harm your computer

Clean, Quarantine, or Delete? >> https://www.lifewire.com/clean-quarantine-or-delete-3972276

Avast Mac Security 2015: Using the Virus Chest >> https://www.avast.com/faq.php?article=AVKB221#artTitle

avast FAQ (search for mac and find) https://support.avast.com/support/home

Do you know how to search?

does this help?

Yes, there is a bug in the GUI - the message is wrong. The action taken will really be deleting the files, not restoring them.

Thank you so much Tumic! I appreciate it.