I recommended the avast free edition at 21 friends but when click on the blue button “Download Free Licence” appear me an error message “Error (100) Internal server error!”, Can help me??
I recommended the avast free edition at 21 friends but when click on the blue button “Download Free Licence” appear me an error message “Error (100) Internal server error!”, Can help me??
Looks like a server issue so try again later to see if the problem persists.
This error message appear after my.avast site upgrade since yesterday!
Τhis problem continues to exist! Does anyone know what might be going??? :-\
i have this problem for some days now…
I sent an e-mail to the support center of avast but I haven’t any answer… Some help anyone???
i have this same issue (error 101 internal server error) for about 5 days or more… still no word from avast team on the forum… did the server died???
I received an answer for support center!!
Dear customer,
Thank you for your email.
We are sorry for the late answer and a temporary error.
I have attached your license which is valid till ***/**/**.
If I can be of any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Best regards,
Selma Kartal
Probably it’s a temporary error… Let’s wait to fix it…