I cant get avast passwords

:‘( :’( Please help, I have used avast passwords on a previous PC and now on my new one I cant get it. Please respond quick.


I don’t understand. What do you mean by “can’t get it”?


I mean by it as I cant click the button. When I click the
Add Extension button nothing happens. It usually gives me the option to add the extension or cancel but not it does nothing. Thank you for responding Dan Sincerely Spiral

What browser do you want to add extension to? Do you have it set as default (Start → Default app settings → Web browser)?


I use Google Chrome, and yes, Its set to default!

I couldn’t reproduce this issue on my end. Did you use any special Chrome installer (like offline one)? Can you try setting some other browser as default and then set chrome as default again? Did it help?

If you have Avast fully updated, then reinstall wont help you. I’d give reinstalling Chrome a try.


@Daniel Hustava,
Thank you so much for helping me get avast! passwords, I just had to switch my default browser to Microsoft edge and back to chrome again. I Hope you enjoy your day, Cause you brightened up mine.

Sincerely, Spiral