I want to move avast and avast safebrowser out of my desktop to make it look nicer but i cant it says something about administator and it doesnt work what do i need to do
I want to move avast and avast safebrowser out of my desktop to make it look nicer but i cant it says something about administator and it doesnt work what do i need to do
Try turning off avast self defence first
Whilst I believe that should allow for removal of the desktop shortcut. As far as I can remember someone else was trying to do this, but avast has some form of integrity checking and it may restore the shortcut. Program updates may also restore the desktop shortcut.
On this desktop I don’t see any shortcuts as I hide then to have a clean desktop and have RocketDock (at the top of the screen) only show this programs/locations I want access to quickly and to keep things tidy.
how do i do that?
Avast GUI → Settings → Troubleshooting
ok thanks i got it
You’re welcome.