i cant sign in to avast antivirus

my shields are off so im trying to sign in to show i got a account but it gives a internal error of some sort

You should login through https://my.avast.com

As for the shields that are off…
What exact OS/SP ?
What exact version of avast ?
Is there any other security (related) software installed ? (or was there)
Already performed a repair of avast ?
Already performed a clean installation of the latest avast version ?

Some appear to have problems signing/logging in when using the avastUI, this is generally a server issue. I don’t know why this is as it doesn’t effect everyone.

It doesn’t effect me, however I generally login to my.avast.com account (which I presume is what you are trying to do?) using my browser. This is mainly because I prefer the larger layout to that when displayed in the avastUI. Having signed in, I don’t sign out, so I’m normally recognised next time round.

this is generally a server issue
Eh, last time it worked for me was with the 2014 version. >:(

im trying to log in to the program. its the newest version and i tryed repairing dont work.

What do you mean with “trying to login to the program” ?
The avast av does not have a login, only your account has.

the program has a sign in button when i try to sign in it says internal server error

See the previous replies.
login through https://my.avast.com not through the avast ui