I was on Avast website the other morning and I put in my pnone number for antitheft, now my phone keeps saying “this phone has been lost or stolen” and there is a loud siren coming form it. I have no idea how to turn it off and now I cant use my phone. it is a Galaxy 3 phone. Can anyone help me to turn off this siren, I have tried emailing but no one is answering my emails. Please someone help
You should enter in your my.avast account and disable it from there.
Or you should enter the correct PIN (you’ve set this PIN when installed avast!).
Or check avast! Anti-Theft Commands on page 24 and further of http://files.avast.com/files/documentation/mobile-security-user-guide-en.pdf
I also have same problem and I forgot my pin How can I do Please help!!!
The problem is i cant do anything on my phone. everytime when i trun on phone is will block me and start alarm all the time and they need me to put pin but the big problem is i forgot my pin!!!
I cant do anything on my avast account too.
on setting is doesn’t show much and i cant restore my pin.
I dont know what to do :,(