I can't work


I can’t work, I can’t write a complete line because EACH TIME that I recieve a message with virus appears the famous warning window “A VIRUS WAS FOUND!” and always ask me to delete, move or repair.

How can AVAST could delete the virus directly without ask me?

PD: I had 28 interruptions while I was writing this message each time that appears your warning window. :-X


imho you could set the mailscanner to silent mode and tell avast to move infected messages to chest automatically…

more automation is only possible in the PROF version; also see avast documentation/FAQ’s and use the search here… :wink:

As whocares said, you can run the email scanner in silent mode and send to the chest.

You could also set your email not to check for email so frequently, say every 15-15 minutes or so.

From the number if infected messages (email?) in such a short time you must have a huge volume of mail. Does most of your virus warnings come through one account?

The reason I ask is one of my email accounts is virtually unusable due to spam and the occasional virus - I have efectively abandoned it other than use as a spam trap and delete virtually everyting from that address at source don’t even download it (mailwasher pro 4.1).

HTH David