I didn't subscribe or buy any product frot, but got Charged $ 39.90

Your Auto-Renewal Order Summary
Avast Cleanup - 1 PC
Order ID
Price charged
Automatically renewed to
16 January 2018

I NEVER BOUGHT any product from AVAST!! why I got charged in MY CC ?

Please give the solution ASAP!

Contact support: https://support.avast.com/support/tickets/new


I NEVER BOUGHT any product ans I was charge too?? What s going on??? What this comoany is doing ???from AVAST!! why I got charged in MY CC ?

Please give the solution ASAP. It is happening wit so many clients???

Is is not aceptable what your company is doing

Follow the links above for information and submission of a refund.

People do NOT get charged for :

  • the free products.
  • trial versions.

People do get charged if they :

  • take a subscription.
  • have a subscription with auto-renewal enabled and don’t disable it before it takes place.
  • use the 60 day trial and do not disable the auto-renewal (aka continues protecting) in time
    (clearly mentioned on the users screen)