I disabled VRDB and can't re-enable it!

Hi all,

Due to connectivity problems with my ISP, they made me disable my Avast anti-virus.

I disabled VRDB, and now I can’t remove the little bullet button next to “disable…”.

How can I re-enable it? Any help so gratefully received!


Just click another option, you can’t uncheck it but choosing another option should select that (or have you tried that ?) option.

If this does not work, I suggest you uninstall avast and install again or, better, try first a reparation: Go to Control Panel > Add/Remove programs > avast! antivirus > Remove. Then choose Repair function in the popup window (Repair). You must be connected to the internet while repairing.

I hate when ISPs ask for disabling the antivirus in order to test connectivity… It’s not necessary, it’s weird…

Dear DavidR, and Tech,

Yes I did try selecting another option. The little bullet button stayed next to “disable…”

Tech, I’ll try your suggestion to go into add/remove software and see if I can “repair”. If I can’t, I guess I’ll just have to uninstall and reinstall all over again.

Thank you both so much for your help!


Ok, feel free to come back any time and ask for further help.

Your welcome, let us know how you get on.