I don't know where this fits but help.

After updating Avast to version 7, it no longer recognises my account or key code. When I try to login it either says the service is unavailable or that my account doesn’t exist. When I go onto the Avast website to create an account, after I do everything (correctly) it will say that I did some the following things wrong (usually highlighted in red), but nothing shows up. There is no red box or words telling me to redo something. It just says, I filled out the information wrong and won’t let me create an account. Please help. And for the record I tried multiple times to create an account and it does not work.

Thanks in advance.

  • Which avast!..?? (Free/Pro/IS)
  • Which version…??
  • OS…?? (32/64 Bit…? - which SP…?)
  • Other security related software installed…??

Avast Free
Version 7.0.1426
64-bit Windows 7 Service Pack 1
Norton Internet Security

I just found out that the program recognises my Key code and says it expires next year, but I still can’t login nor create an account.

  1. Please uninstall Norton…!!
  2. No account is needed to run avast!, but if you want to set up an account try again later, maybe a server issue.

Ok, thank you.

You’re welcome.