Ok i don’t want to start to say the story all over again so i will make this short.
Some one hacked into my computer using Security shell Tunneling by Tricking me on downloading his own made Viruses their is one of them that open port 22 (So Security Shell Tunneling could work) and Other one informs him my password and usernames information whenever i enter them , they were detected by avg Thought but he told me tricking me telling me to ignore them. and I believed him
He then Hacked me through security Shell Tunneling and Gave me a Virus named “Trojan Destructor”.
He never stole any thing thought also when I tried to open any of those trojans they give an Error of 64 bit application.
I went to a forum he goes in and Found him laughing at me posting a screen shot of My Chatting with him on yahoo messenger (Don’t worry no web cam) asking him if he stole any thing and he is saying bla bla stupid person feels unsecured (laughing at me) , So I asked him pretending to be some one else “did you steal any thing from him or post them in porn sites??” he said “I would if I could , their is a program how ever unfree that makes that happen”
Ok so he never stole any thing. i restarted my router after
Later , he found out it was me (his senses told him some how he had the feeling). and Then while he was Trolling one of my Threads he said “I found my next Victim -.-”
after that I had a message from Some one with just an avatar and no posts , Offering me a Free program increases my computer speed (and as I thought , Thanks to the avast Community they scanned this virus for me and found it was a Trojan that Tracks my cookies and Send it to him). Luckily I knew and never downloaded this file :]
in addition to all of that I joined his Forums before so he probably has my IP Adress.
Ok The Issue here:
- I had pics on my computer and i put them in a flash drive for protection. and i want to send them back to my computer but I feel they will be getting stolen and posted on porn sites
- I have That hacker Stalker Whose possibility that he knows my IP Address because i joined his forums. I think he would do any thing to steal any pics or related thing from me
- My Family Uses a wireless connection , do you think he could hack them using just my IP Adress and they do use face book
- I scanned my computer malware - anti spyware and avast (Free Downloaded version)
- I want to start a face book account but I feel like he might use my IP Some how to Hack me
Please Help. Would I feel unsecured all the time.
i don’t want any pics of me or my family photo shopped? -.-