I feen unsecured and Need help on some thing [Please Post :(]

Ok i don’t want to start to say the story all over again so i will make this short.
Some one hacked into my computer using Security shell Tunneling by Tricking me on downloading his own made Viruses their is one of them that open port 22 (So Security Shell Tunneling could work) and Other one informs him my password and usernames information whenever i enter them , they were detected by avg Thought but he told me tricking me telling me to ignore them. and I believed him

He then Hacked me through security Shell Tunneling and Gave me a Virus named “Trojan Destructor”.

He never stole any thing thought also when I tried to open any of those trojans they give an Error of 64 bit application.

I went to a forum he goes in and Found him laughing at me posting a screen shot of My Chatting with him on yahoo messenger (Don’t worry no web cam) asking him if he stole any thing and he is saying bla bla stupid person feels unsecured (laughing at me) , So I asked him pretending to be some one else “did you steal any thing from him or post them in porn sites??” he said “I would if I could , their is a program how ever unfree that makes that happen”

Ok so he never stole any thing. i restarted my router after

Later , he found out it was me (his senses told him some how he had the feeling). and Then while he was Trolling one of my Threads he said “I found my next Victim -.-”
after that I had a message from Some one with just an avatar and no posts , Offering me a Free program increases my computer speed (and as I thought , Thanks to the avast Community they scanned this virus for me and found it was a Trojan that Tracks my cookies and Send it to him). Luckily I knew and never downloaded this file :]

in addition to all of that I joined his Forums before so he probably has my IP Adress.

Ok The Issue here:

  • I had pics on my computer and i put them in a flash drive for protection. and i want to send them back to my computer but I feel they will be getting stolen and posted on porn sites
  • I have That hacker Stalker Whose possibility that he knows my IP Address because i joined his forums. I think he would do any thing to steal any pics or related thing from me
  • My Family Uses a wireless connection , do you think he could hack them using just my IP Adress and they do use face book
  • I scanned my computer malware - anti spyware and avast (Free Downloaded version)
  • I want to start a face book account but I feel like he might use my IP Some how to Hack me

Please Help. Would I feel unsecured all the time.
i don’t want any pics of me or my family photo shopped? -.-

any one wants to answer.

do you think this guy is stalking me? ???

Just a thing i could only answer is never believe some 1 or never and never ignore a virus !!!

I would verify with Malwarebytes 1.41 Free

Avast! 4.8 Home/Pro

Windows Defender

and got a 2 Ways Firewall like the Vista one or Outpost,PC Tools,Online Armor.

Maybe another thing i can say is if he sending you a trojan. Then if im not wrong all login and password that was been on it. Then its would be stealed or your firewall did block the access.

What AVG you was using ? Internet Security or Pro or Free ?

PS : Because the AVG Internet Security seem to got a thing to protect identity. I never tested it so i dont know if its still great.


I hope this Hacker will be found by the authorities because its forbidden to do something like that. Its really amazing and FBI or Police shouldnt forgive this. He sended you a file and you ignored the virus so now its kinda a bit your fault. Otherwise me i dont know what you should do. Im not a expert i just recommand some good software. I just hope that he didnt stealed you something. Because Trojan is really a big thing to steal something. I just feel so sorry for you but i can say try what i said. Or wait some 1 that know more about computer than me for your reply.

Me and Scott love the kit its legit in ressource and can protect really great. If you are a bit. A guy that is clicking everywhere. Then you can try some great site advisor like MyWOT,Finjan,Browser Defender,Mcafee Site Advisor…

So if you use XP then i can recommand Outpost or Online Armor. (I think online armor has something to protect your thing to be record right ?) If im not wrong please correct me if im wrong some 1.



I know he don’t know any thing about me Yet.
he is Trying to Get an info about user name and password so he gets to my face book and he knows my IP Address (I don’t have a face book yet yay boom if i get one).

I have Super-Anti-Spyware (Latest Version)
Avast Updates (Avast Seems that it couldn’t Detect a Genric Trojan but it will be fixed hopefully)
Malware Bytes (latest version)

Did a scan on all of them. no thing is found every thing is fine
only Super anti spyware finds Tracking Cookies that are used by Forums they can check what Thread i go in (you know in forums) any ways its not dangerous
also spyware find ads by google and yeld mannager not a big deal.

but the thing is , finding a stalker like this who would do any thing to post my Picture on Forums or Porn Sites so he could hurt me isn’t ok
I am thinking if their is any possible ways he could enter it without installing Trojans + can i be sure i have a Trojan or not?

Well the hacker at the end did Admit that those didn’t work on my XP
he uses Linux and made it for vista. i even Tried to enter the trojans files its selfs and gave me a 64 app error , only one worked thought he was able to open my port 22 so he can use security shell tunneling to Enter my computer with entering both ip and opened port.

I kept being worried for a week. School is Tomorrow for me :o
Week gone for me because i was worried about this and i found out he didn’t steal any thing but he was able to give me a ‘Trojan distructor’ or some thing virus but Still after that he planner for another attack and I am not Sure he got my IP , i am worried if he buys a program to steal my pics , like i can’t have some privacy here >_<.

its not my fault actually
he is a traitor he was acting So So Friendly to Me , Apparently he told me it was a ‘false alert’ and he said he wanted to test some thing on windows because he uses linux.
He didn’t steal any thing , i went to the Forums i go in and I spied on him by creating an account pretending to be some one else and Through that and Figure out he never took any thing and the prove is , he is trying to find out if i have a face book so he sent me a scam using another account of his its actually a virus but i never downloaded some of you here tested that file and Found it gathers User name and password data for Recovery To Him.

and any ways if he did get any thing he would post it on the Site The Trolls who Trolled me at.
But what , Now I am Trying to use facebook but too afraid to try it out for this stalker… :cry:

OS ?
Firewall ?
Browser ?

Tell me what kind of thing you use in the questions.

Tracking cookies isnt dangerous so you can uncheck the Cookies if you want. But i can recommand you to do a cleanup by Windows of your disk and a Defrag. And delete Temps and Cookies of your internet…

And i hope any 1 can help you. I think he will want a hijackthis log. To verify the thing if its correct on your pc.

Im really sorry to say this but its your fault if you did ignore the virus that AVG found. But i dont know if he stealed you something so maybe your firewall did stealth your thing. So i dont know.

And never trust some 1 even if he is friendly !!! Even if he say “You will got 1000 $ or 1000 euros if you buy my thing…” You will need in some ways to say no to a guy. So that why now he was friendly because he wanted to send you a virus. But now you trusted him too much by ignore his virus !!! So now you did really do a bad move.

The thing i can say is stay all your programs and things up to date ! Even your graphic.

Dont blame me if you think im wrong. I would really want to some 1 that know more in this way to tell you what to do.


Also which AVG you was using.

Please respond.



Avira AntiVir Personal - Free Antivirus

is avira = avast? ???
if not i might be in the wrong forum , any ways I meant to go to avast :-X

EDIT - I use XP 32 Bit.
Fire Fox private browsing

i post twice maybe scan dont look for another post
first please dont say the hacker:the one who enter others

pc is a bad network cracker and not a hacker
second:the operating system on my virtual machine is

windows xp service pack two 32bit
dont woory it is a virtual machine and and i have
pc running linux,and another one running windows xp:they

are in a network and has isdn internet connection
pc for testing and avast forums and internet blah blah and

other things it doesnt have a lot of information.
and my a laptop i use it just in the university.
he can enter your pc without send you trojan if he is a

professional one(i can do it but i dont do it except on my

computers to test new exploits and check security status)

but wait are you have a static ip or dynamic one or what is

you internet connection!(the ip change)
now dont feel safe but start a red alert and do following:
1.update your operating system
2.update the antivirus
3.has a firewall comdo,zonealarm,any good one
4.look at the programs that use internet connections:you

can do it from the firewall
5.dont use internet if you dont need it
6.if any saved password in your web browser delete it and

delete credit card numbers from your computer(but you should has

the credit card)
7.un plug the network cable
8.if you have a photos, videos ,…for you or your family

copy it to a dvds then delete it any sensitive files copy it

to dvds then delete it
9.every program connect to the internet should be updated

so the cracker will not able(probably)to exploit any program

send me the files that he send to you
and tell us more about this guy
white hat hacker and i hate the black hats.

the Cracker is some one who is willing to Steal my Pictures and/or info’s and post it on Porn web sites/a Forum he goes in.
He told me every thing , he told me he hacked some one’s you tube account of a person who was previously Banned from Forums.
He also told me not to tell any one ;D

he also Told me a Banned Person from a Forum i go in has a new account. lol he even gave me a screen shot of that user’s profile from inside :stuck_out_tongue:
he also told me he got that forum’s administration access (Don’t worry its not avast forum).

He hacked me once using Security Shell Tunneling and i am sure he never got any thing because i spied on him on a forum and he some how said ‘he couldn’t’.
Yes , I do use private browsing disallows any cookies to be downloaded how ever i can log in and every thing.

I only Know one of his files that steals cookies and i have the link.
The other infections from before were removed thought.

Now can some one tell me about Security Shell Tunneling? Can he steal files through it?
I don’t think i have it. but i think he some how launched a server so he could hack me maybe with the ifle that forwards my ports.

avast! is not Avira. :wink:

Security Shell Tunneling: 8)

XP Service Pack level? ???

yep he port forwarded me to port 22 and hacked me basically.
I think he some how also launched a server inside my system…

I don’t have any of SSH Protocols , can he still steal?

How are you communicating?

Browser, email or Telnet?

I only use browser (Firefox)
I contacted him via yahoo thought when he tricked me downloading all those stuff :-\

Oh can you Tell me a Pretty Much Recommended Download Link to the best avast and Best Type (Pro Edition would work?)

Bottom line, don’t be so trusting of someone you haven’t met in person.

I suggest you clean all your temporary files (including temporary internet file) using Ccleaner or ATF cleaner
(The second is the more straightforward to use. Ccleaner can delete stuff you might not want it to, if you haven’t read the help files.)
Scan your computer with MBAM (a trusted and often used demand scanner) Have it remove anything found, and post the scan report here.

You are using XP? I strongly recommend a two - way firewall. This will alert you if any unknown application attempts to connect outbound. The Windows firewall is good at preventing inbound access, provided you haven’t actually invited that access, which it appears you have. However, the program he tricked you into installing…have you deleted that (or otherwise prevented it running?)

Once the cleaning/scanning/removal is complete, change all of your passwords.
He is not going to be able to “hack” you based on your IP address, unless you have vulnerabilities in the OS, so make sure all your software is up to date using Windows Update, and either the online (OSI) or installable (PSI) applications at http://www.secunia.org/
As to whether he has been able to look into the other computers on your home network, since you had already invited him into yours, that would depend on what is allowed to be shared between those computers.

There is no need to use the pro edition of Avast unless you want the extra features. The detection and scanning abilities of the Home and Pro are the same.

Ok Well my Fire wall prevents even me from seeing my other networks.
but my other networks can see mine thought :slight_smile:

I know he Stole no thing thought.
and Yes i do want extra features.

Please give me a recommended download link for it. i mean i don’t want to download a File that pretends to be avast and hack me

i already use malware bits no issues found.
Super anti spy is actually better maybe (it detects tracking cookies , I still like false positives becuase it proves its sensitive at every thing going on).

i will check the other programs you mentioned.
by the way i was able to Remove some Trojans using them so no worries avira also did the job good.

never Tried avast. I thought avast was avira lol
any ways i will check.

You should try Avast! and do a boot time scan with it. Its really great. ;D