I find different....

Hello, I find different viruses that Avast! Home don’t detect, can I send to the Avast Laboratory? But Avast Home protect from the Download.ject viruses? (this is a script virus and avast home don’t contain script protection)

Hello, I find different viruses that Avast! Home don't detect, can I send to the Avast Laboratory?

Yes, open Avast and click menu, select virus chest, then click on user files on the left side, in the toolbar click file and then add, browse to your suspected file, highight it and press open, it should then be in the chest, then right click the file while it is in the chest and select “email to alwil software”, it then should explain what to do from there.

But Avast Home protect from the Download.ject viruses? (this is a script virus and avast home don't contain script protection)

You could always download the 60 day free trial or buy Avast! pro here > http://www.avast.com/eng/purchase/desktop_software/index.html <


I use a freeware program called Script Defender from AnalogX this should give you a level of protection against scripts and can be used in conjunctiont to avast 4 home.

HTH David

See ‘Links’ on my signature for others script blockers.
David is right again (I have write this a lot today ;D). Analog Script Blocker works very good with avast.

You can send virus for analysis to: virus(at)avast.com
Please, zip the files with password, send them and inform the password into the email body. Thanks. :wink:

Is the script blocker in avast! pro sufficient enough, or should i use another script blocker aswell?.

lol, i am noticing latley just how many questions im asking.


Yeah, Lee the Questioner ;D
I think it would be enough the avast! Script blocker.
Anyway, you can use the freeware ones besides avast (no conflict)!

No,don’t understand this wrong. avast! Home Edition DOES protect you from script viruses! It doesn’t protect you from script URL’s if you want to put it that way. avast! Home and pro both block script viruses (VBS,WSH),but only Pro blocks script URL commands in browsers.