I got some warning after my first scan!

Hi there!

I got some warning after my first scan and I am not sure what to do now?
I just reinstalled my MBP yesterday (Mountain Lion)
See below and look for: Error 42110 The file is a decompression bomb

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> CountOfInfectedObjects 0 CountOfScannedFiles 264478 CountOfScannedObjects 281976 CountOfWarnings 1 Excludes /Volumes/avast! Free ExportedDetail Infections and warnings Finished 2014-01-25T18:11:47Z InternalStatus 0 LoggedScanObjects Depth 1 Info Error 42110 The file is a decompression bomb Path /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MediaKit.framework/Versions/A/Loaders/MKDrivers.bundle/Contents/Resources/bootroot.loader|>bootroot.loader.dmg Result Warning Path /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MediaKit.framework/Versions/A/Loaders/MKDrivers.bundle/Contents/Resources/bootroot.loader Result Clean Paths / Started 2014-01-25T17:59:08Z Status 200 Type ScanTypeFullSystem

