I got the following email from 'clickfish'

I got this message, I don’t know what to do. It has an attachement, says please read, but also says netsky-d wrm left intact.

What should I do? Is this from Avast, or not? Do I open it or delete it?

"Please read the attached file.

avast! Antivirus: Inbound message INFECTED:
\your_text.zlo (Win32:Netsky-D [Wrm]) was (BEWARE!!!) left intact in the message.

Virus Database (VPS): 0403-17, 03/22/2004
Tested on: 3/25/04 10:53:02 AM
avast! - copyright (c) 2000-2004 ALWIL Software"
[/i] [/i]

sounds like avast was unable t remove the virus from the email. you should delete it.

To me, it sounds like avast! is configured to keep the infected attachment in the message…