I have a problen when i start up my computer

When i start up my computer a message comes up that says it cant read the disk A. so i tried to reboot it but i dont have the right disk is there any thing that i can do with out having to spend alot of money? :cry:

When are you getting the error (what were you doing) and what program is initiating it?

Do you have a floppy dick in drive A if not you are likely to have some form of error.

I have windows XP installed. I dont have a disk in the A:\

The error comes on after the compact logo shows when i turn the computer on

You must have something in the BIOS to check the Floppy Drive on start-up and without a disk in A: it is complaining.

Check and see if you can find anything about the Floppy Drive check in your BIOS, when you boot keep pressing the delete key like a demented woodpecker ;D and this should take you into your BIOS set-up.

Oh cool i will try that when i get home


No problem, a belated welcome to the forums.