Every time I see that AVAST has updated the application, I get the “click here to finish” button.
Thankfully, I don’t just automatically click it. That’s what AVAST and their contractual partners want. For you to click past the part where there are checkboxes (defaulted to CHECKED) that will download and install Google Chrome to your system, and install the Google Toolbar.
This is deceptive and predatory. And it’s bullshit. Chrome is an okay browser. It could be better, but Google keeps taking away user control, bit by bit, every update. As far as the toolbar - it’s malware, just like every other toolbar.
It is despicable that any company would do this. But, AVAST isn’t alone - SUN does it with JAVA updates, just for one example. This doesn’t make it okay. It’s still invasive, still deceptive, still predatory (counting on the millions of users who don’t bother looking before clicking the FINISH button), and still NOT OKAY.
Now here comes the part where other users, here, (many of whom are employed by AVAST) tell me that it’s a small price to pay for having free anti-virus.
NO, IT’S NOT. Don’t get me wrong - the people who spend their time creating antivirus apps should be reasonably compensated for their time and skills, yes. But if any company were actually serious about ridding the world of computer viruses (virii?) would do it for free. But counting on users to not see the “hey, download and install THESE useless apps, too” checkboxes is… (drumroll, please)… WRONG!!! The key word being DECEPTIVE.
SO, my search for a decent anti-virus app starts yet again, because I’m not putting up with this bullshit, again. Meanwhile, program auto updates will be disabled, so I don’t have to see this bullshit, any more.