I have no Standard Shield Provider

I’m running Avast! Home 4.8.1201.

In rummaging through the Help file, I see reference made to a Standard Shield Provider.

I do not see this in the On-Access Protection Control panel and therefore cannot manipulated the settings within the pages as discussed in the Help file.

Is something wrong with my setup? Thank you.

To save you posting a separate thread for every provider perhaps you can tell us:

When you hover the mouse over the avast icon in the system tray what is the message it tells you about the status of the providers in your installation? Number of providers and number running?

I have to guess that already moved from the basic details on double clicking the avast icon in the system tray to get the more detailed view:

The currently active providers are
Internet Mail

I have tested these and they meet my expectations.

Thank you for jumping in on this. I was about to post up another for the P2P Shield Provider which is also absent as I run Opera 9.5.10063 and its Bittorrent client.

I was trying to keep it simple. As a user and admin of technical forums going back to bulletin boards in the 80’s, Compuserve, and on and on I have all to often seen how one posting with several issues can get so convoluted nothing gets done.

I would appreciate any assistance you can provide in helping me bring up the providers for P2P, IM and Standard, all here under this thread, or within the others.

I am MS certified, among a boat load of others and have been expert in the Windows OS since version 2. I can dig as deep as you need me to. As a side note: I have been using AVG for several years. They really blew it with their current version, one of the worst pieces of software I ever purchased. Non-existent tech/customer support - I am still waiting on a refund. I spent two weeks researching alternatives and settled on Avast! I would be satisfied with the current level of functionality, but unless I can see these additional providers working, I’ll not pay for Pro.

Thanks again!

Currently active was one part of my first question about providers.

The mouse hover gives two pieces of information and appears in the format:

avast! On access Scanner: x provider(s) total, y running

Can you please advise of the values of x and y (although it would appear that y=4)?

The default installation of avast would have installed all providers. The intent here is to determine whether you choose to customize the install and may have, inadvertently, failed to install the providers about which you are asking.

If you have any doubt then the simplest solution would be an uninstall of avast followed by a re-install allowing the product to perform a standard install of all of the providers.

Sorry! 4 provider(s) total, 3 running. That goes to 4 & 4 when I open Outlook.

I did do a custom install but merely to uncheck skins and the bat.

Granted. My purpose here was to determine if there was some other way to bring up a provider. The uninstall/reinstall would imply that every time I install a “supported” app, say if I decided to add iMesh to my system right now, I would have to uninstall/reinstall Avast! That’s OK for a free app, and if I have to pay for an “auto-recognize newly installed apps” then I’d like to know.

Well, I didn’t uninstall the whole thing. In setup, I unchecked P2P, IM and Standard, rebooted, rechecked them, rebooted and all providers are represented.

(Oh yeah, seems the bat has no check box. Earlier when I quickly read that setup screen, I wrongly interpreted that as an “unchecked.” My DUH!)

If this app is well behaved, and its reputation would point in that direction, I should be writing a check soon.

In the meantime, I’m going to see if there is a “wish list” thread here and add “Needs a provider re-scan for supported apps” function.


If you customize your installation, you won’t see all the providers.
The standard installation is 7 providers (Home version) and 8 for the Pro installation.
Generally, MS Outlook plugin is waiting for you to open the main program. So, 6/7 or 7/8 are normal if you’re not running MS Outlook.