[b]Hi avast! team i have been used avast! 5.0 without any problems but this new avast 6.0.1367 its slowing to much my system i have only 512 MB ram memory
i hope this new avast! 7 will be much better
[b]Hi avast! team i have been used avast! 5.0 without any problems but this new avast 6.0.1367 its slowing to much my system i have only 512 MB ram memory
i hope this new avast! 7 will be much better
Well avast 6 shouldn’t be much different to avast 5 and if anything on my systems is a little lighter so we will need more information.
What is your operating system ?
What other security applications do you have installed, e.g. firewall, anti-spyware, etc. ?
When is it slowing your system, e.g. what are you doing ?
The fact that you only have 512 RAM left isn’t necessarily down to avast, what is using your RAM (in task manager) ?
I think things get better from 5 to 6… Not the opposite
Don’t mean to butt -in so to speak but if your computer supports more then 512mb of ram / memory I would SERIOUSLY think about adding some more, nowadays a computer with just 512mb of ram / memory is pretty much un-heard of and with all of today’s applications one really needs more then 512mb of ram / memory.
Depending on your budget and what your computer mother board can handle for a memory upgrade I would most definitely get more memory THEN you won’t have to worry to much about avast using your system resources.
If you like you can provide the MAKE AND MODEL of your computer and I can see if you can upgrade your ram and even get you some prices of how much it would cost.
Good catch, I misread that as having 512MB left not to start with, which is seriously going to impede system performance.
Even on XP it is considered that 256MB to be the minimum for the OS, before you even start to add applications. So 512MB is pushing it somewhat for OS and running apps.
I definitely agree with all the previous statements on more RAM is definitely better, having said that, I have been running a Dell Dimension 2100 with only 512mb of RAM .with Avast for a number of years and still do with Avast 6 installed without any major effects or problems at all.
Just my experience.
I have the same constellation concerning one of my computers with 512 MB RAM and no problem. ;D
Best regards.
@ Addict
Don’t know how you updated to Avas! 6 but if you did over Avas! 5 you could try uninstalling all Avast! in your system with:
and then do a clean install of Avast! 6.