I have trojens, hackers and alot more

Is there a way I can post my log of viruses,trojens,backdoors etc. It is from a-squared and is a text doc. I have win. xp home sp2. I want to know if i should just wipe out pc and reload windows.

Paste the contents of the log into a post.

If the contents are more than the text amount limit, split the log into two or more parts…
Anyway, you can join ‘similar’ itens to make easier for us to understand and help you.

how do i join them

daysi04, aren’t you double-posting the log contents? Or I’m lost and other user is doing a deep cleaning with a-squared right now on forums?

i think so I added to a post earlier and Im just figured out it is two differernt ones. I have never been in a forum before and this is so confusing. I will drop one i just have to figure out which one and how do i get to the other one. I still dont have the basics such as how to open the reply. Sorry

I think you should continue posting in this one in Viruses and Worms


and let the General Topics thread die out.