I have 2 mail addresses 1 robertobonaschi@libero.it 2 bonaschir@gmail.com

You can use what you prefer. I have 2 subscriptions with you .

1 Avast Pro antivirus 2 Avast VPN Secure Line. The licenses are not free but payed.

The name of both the licenses is my name : Roberto Bonaschi. I have written so you can update if you have not yet done that.

The two licenses are for my PC. Thank you and have a good day

Non ho capito qual’è il tuo problema ma devi scrivere al supporto

  1. As you’re in the Italian section, please use your language.
  2. I strongly suggest to remove your E-Mails from the forum…!!
  3. Not sure what you’re talking about, as I can’t see any question.

Non è intelligente per indicare il vostro indirizzo emaill su una WebBoard pubblico come wil essere raccolto dagli spammer.

È possibile aggiungere / modificare gli indirizzi e-mail nel tuo account avast > https://my.avast.com