I just updated from 4.8 to 5.0.677 and it was easy!

I had been hesitating for quite a while to update to Avast 5.0 since everything was working fine (over two years on Avast with ZERO infections)and I have been reading the forum here to see how other folks fared. You can get a very skewed sense of possible problems from reading a support forum!

Today I decided to bite the bullet and upgrade. I downloaded the 5.0.677 version from the Cnet site and clicked install with some trepidation. I have to say the install went smooth as silk, it created a system restore point first (comforting) and installed right over the 4.8 version. I restarted my computer as requested and checked the Avast settings (my prior license was inserted automatically) and now am up and running.

I just thought I’d share my easy and successful install experience here since it may encourage others like me who have been hanging back.

Thanks for a great product and an easy upgrade. ;D

See, now that wasn’t hard. Good to hear it.

I’m sure you will soon get used to avast 5 and see that it is much better than avast 4.8. It’s nice to see positive input in a support forum where you usually only see those with a problem ;D

Welcome to the forums.

I am very much of the “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” school of thought when it comes to my computer, which is what made me hesitate so long. I’d even renewed my 4.8 license in June, thinking I’d just take a wait and see approach. Now I’m glad to add a success story to the forum.

One thing I really like so far is that Avast 5 only has two processes running, AvastSvc.exe and AvastUI.exe. It’s much lighter. I like that! :smiley:

Excuse me! I am trying to hide my email address from my profile but the only box I see is to check is “Hide email address from public?” and whether I check it or not, the little blue envelope shows up when I’m logged on…HELP!

I have checked “hide email” and it still shows up. I have UNchecked “hide email” and it still shows up. ??? Now I’m going to log out. GARRRH.

Its ok, it is only visible to you or the Mods, just like your IP :wink:

As has been explained it is hidden to all but the Moderators and yourself (see image, click to expand), have a look around the forums and see how many emails you can see other than your own, you will see very few and they are the ones that not hidden it.

Malta, as DavidR stated, it is now not shown as it was in your first posting. You’ve unchecked the “Show email address” in profile.

If you have another browser installed, run it but do not log into the forum. You’ll see that it isn’t showing then.

Thank you all three for replying. It’s rather confusing, because originally I HAD checked the only box available - which is “hide email address from public?” NOT “show email etc” - and when I saw the blue envelope I started trying to ‘disappear’ it (by unchecking, revise profile, checking, revise profile, etc…)

Then I got two emails from Avast Forum telling me my email was showing and was advised to “uncheck show email” in my profile. There is no such option, though it would be far better to opt in to showing your email addy than opting out as it seems to be at the moment, at least on MY profile page!

I currently have the “hide email address from public?” box checked and I will take your word for it that only the Mods and I can see it. The image that was shown by DavidR is what it looks like to me when I am NOT logged in, but when I AM logged in here I see the blue envelope.

Sorry if I sound dense, but I think it IS confusing. Thanks for your help, and I trust that if my slip is showing again :-[ I’ll get another alert from one of the Mods.

P.S. I LOVE Avast 5! Lightweight, nice graphics, quick scans…Bravo! :slight_smile:

Gopher John, I just pulled up this forum on Opera (while still staying logged in on Firefox) and it shows me as online and with no blue envelope showing! Yay!

I feel like Emily Litella. “Never Mind!” ;D

You’re welcome.

In order for the mods to see it (if required), it has to be displayed, but no one else other than you can see it.

You aren’t the only one to be confused (many are, as forum posts attest), I squealed like a pig when there was an update to the forums software (some time ago) that introduced this ;D

DavidR, you’re very kind. I guess I could have searched around the forum for this issue but I was so freaked out by my address hanging out there for all to see(?!) that I did some squealing myself.

Nice folks here at the forum! Thanks again to all. :wink:

I was going from memory about the checkbox line. Obviously, the memory is slipping. :-[

I wasn’t sure what was shown for myself initially, so I checked with Opera also some time ago. 8)