I know it's off topic... but I'll be out of forums...

Hello people. I’m lazy to send an email to everybody and I’m not a spammer ;D
Just to tell I’ll be out of forum during February.
Vacations, trips, medical treatment to get the full movement of my leg back… you know, a long story… :cry:

So the smile of that blond boy won’t be near next days… How I miss that good old days ::slight_smile:
For sure you’ll be in very good hands of the avast team and the great band of brothers that we could join in last years in these forums 8)
I’ll miss you all too :slight_smile:

take care my friend :slight_smile:

You know Tech, I’m fully understand you! I had my two legs broke, due to improper medical incident, & further treatment.
The reabilitation process is very long period (5 years in my case), & I’m still not in full recovery.

But, I hope that when you will come back to us You will be as good, as new.
Take care, we will allways be with you :slight_smile:

You will be missed, Tech. Take care!

Have a good break, good luck with the ongoing medical treatment, take it easy.

A whole month :o

Well, have fun with the trips - my thoughts will be with you for the treatments.

See you soon …

Tech, all the best of luck for your leave of absence from the forum. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers for a full complete recovery. Take care. :slight_smile:

Take Care Tech! We will be here when you get back :wink:

Hi Tech

Have a great break, take care


Hi Tech.

Even one day without Tech is too much, but you need the time off to get fully recovered. Take a rest, all the best,


Take care Tech, You’ll be missed.

Hi Tech have a great holiday and speedy recovery of medical treatment you will be missed

Take care tech. you deserve a break. :slight_smile:

Good luck Tech 8)
Take care, we will be waiting for you ;D

Take care little “brother”. :slight_smile: :slight_smile:
Have some fun and also take care of that leg.
It still has to carry you for a lot of years.

Take care Tech :wink:
We will all miss you ;D

Have a great trip Tech :wink:

Hi Tech,

Here is my wish that you have a great vacation and great medical treatment. We will all be here waiting for your return! :slight_smile:

Take care my friend. :slight_smile:

Take care Tech !! Have a great vacation experience, and remember to give the leg time to heal.

Remember to come back onto the forums !! After Feburary, things are bound to get hectic in the cyber world :D.