Alright, Here’s The Problem I Woke This Morning, And Too My Suprise My Computer Only Start Itself, Now I’m Using windows XP… evertime it goes my “Welcome” Screen it will Restart
So i had too boot my computer, in safemode i tried too run Avast but it wouldnt connect, Now acouple Days ago it had said your system is “Unsecure” so i went and i enabled everything… While i had it open it said it was secure but it said it was unsecure when i put my cursor over the icon
Too Make a long story short the only way i could boot my computer up, was i had too unistall AVAST in SafeMode…
But it just Bought too my attention that AAWService.exe and AAWTray.exe is still in my processess. So I tried Too Reinstall Avast thinking it would Fix The Problem, It Installed up too the point when it had too restart, And The Problem Started All Over again Just Restarting
So i again unistalled it(Or Whatever i thought i did).
Now I’m here Typing This Message I’m asking for any soultions, and should I Download aswClear5.exe? Unistall it that way, and then try too Reinstall It? PPlease Help Me
AAWTray and AAWService belongs to Ad-Aware.
You have that software running on your PC?
Any other antivirus or security software (firewalls, spywarechecker?) on the sys?
You have Ad-Aware always running? As a service? That might be one problem.
I would recommend this: uninstall AdAware (it’s by any means not the best out there) and download the Malwarebytes Antimalware free and run it, just to make sure everys thing is gone.
You can download it from here: (my own hp, it’s safe)
Than use CCleaner to clean the registry (CCleaner is free, if you don’t have it: just one google away)
Well… it works now, but - I am not a malware fighter, but what I see doesn’t seem to be good. In fact, it looks pretty bad.
Rootkit, Trojan downloader and rogue software!
I would not trust this computer to the tip of my nose.
Did you do Internet Banking with it? Web store buying like amazon with credit card?
Better watch your accounts closely.
If it was my pc, I would give him format c: and reinstall everything from scratch…