I need some help !

Hi !!

Sorry, but i’m lost here, i’m jsut looking for some help about avast home version, i’m french and it’s difficult for me to understand everything !
I’ve jsut download avast home version, and i haven’t got the “a” icon for resident protection on the task barre (on the right down top corner). i have unlocked the task barre, but it still not there, how can i do ? if somebody can help me, please contact me !!! thanks ???

Did you reboot after installing?
Do you (or did you) have another av on that system? (if so which one?)
What OS?

Yes i vahve reboot my pc, and there’s not another version of avast.

I am not asking for another version of Avast. I am asking another av (av=Anti Virus) software.

Can you download http://freeweb.siol.net/razor256/downloads/avast_external_control.zip
Unzip the contents and run avast External Control, choose avast! Main Control option, then choose Auto-restart avast.
Will the icon appear?