i need to find wich version is right 4 me

i am a pc guy 4 many “buddies” and am working on my moms new buissness pc,how do i know wich version is right 4 me. i cant find a easy feature/price chart with all versions shown.

sure it’s all listed seperatly in the main avast page, but i need a chart i can point at and tell my friends "look "
that i dont have to interperate.

i am bringing this company enough buissnes that i think if this has not already been done that it should be done.
if i want the feature then so does someone els.
and if it is done already, why could i not find it? it should be VERY unmistakably “HERE I AM”

Welcome calemus

avast! antivirus Home Edition represents the best FREE antivirus protection currently available on the market. This edition is [b]FREE OF CHARGE [/b] for non-commercial & home use only . [b]Both [/b] of these conditions should be met! If you are not a home user or if you use your computer for business purposes, we offer a wide range of more suitable products providing higher data security, starting with avast! Professional Edition.

avast! Professional Edition:

so,seeing as how i am telling people “buy this” and pointing to the screen on thier pc,and they want to know WHY, where are the charts showing why they should believe me that this PARTICULAR flavor of avast is the right one for them?

Well no chart is required if they are a business user their only option is the Pro version, for those that qualify for the Home, non-commercial use criteria, they have a choice of either, see the link below.

Avast Home V Avast Pro differences http://www.avast.com/eng/av4_version_comp.html