I need to uninstall Avast Virus detector. I had the older version. Then updated. NOW I am having a lot conflicts since I did the upgrade. The new Avast DID NOT come with a uninstall. I really need to get this uninstalled so I can start all over. COULD anyone out there tell me what to do? I am not a computer nut as you can tell… ???
Guys, I loaded a URL of a photo of me. But it didn’t show up as you can tell. [just a little box with an X in it] How do I load a photo from my computer :-[ since there isn’t a browse button to locate one on my computer? OR can that be done?
Islgypsy, the photo must be in the Web, I mean, must be uploaded to a site and have an ‘open’ address (http://www…) and could not ‘be’ on your HDD. Sorry