I need to uninstall Avast

I need to uninstall Avast Virus detector. I had the older version. Then updated. NOW I am having a lot conflicts since I did the upgrade. The new Avast DID NOT come with a uninstall. I really need to get this uninstalled so I can start all over. COULD anyone out there tell me what to do? I am not a computer nut as you can tell… ???


avast uninstall utitility

get the one for your version if you have avast 3 download avclear.exe
if you have avast 4 download avclear4.exe

Thank you so much it worked great. Now back to the drawing board…


Glad I could help.


Mac was right on the money!
In the future, if you set Avast to auto update Program and VPS, you will not need to uninstall the older version.

The update takes care of it very nicely!

Welcome to Avast.


Guys, I loaded a URL of a photo of me. But it didn’t show up as you can tell. [just a little box with an X in it] How do I load a photo from my computer :-[ since there isn’t a browse button to locate one on my computer? OR can that be done?



Islgypsy, the photo must be in the Web, I mean, must be uploaded to a site and have an ‘open’ address (http://www…) and could not ‘be’ on your HDD. Sorry :cry: