I never had a password, but avast ask me for it always...

I don’t know if anybody has asked that before, but I was searching and I didn’t found anything which helps me.

I have Avast 7,6 and it works well… when I can order something. The program always ask me for a password for do the most of its actions, but I never had an avast password and I tried to use register key as password, but the program says that it’s not right.

I don’t know what to do… I can’t uninstall avast because it needs the password, I can’t choose most of the options because it needs the password… I don’t know what the hell could be the password, but I’m hating it :cry:

Anybody can helps me? Why I need a password if I didn’t want to have one? I can’t understand…

Thank you everybody and sorry if there’s something badly write, English is not my language, but I think the message can be understanded ::slight_smile:

Welcome to the forums, Iria. :slight_smile:

Where did you get avast 7.6 from … the download site, etc?

I ask this because the official version of avast is at 4.8 with 5.0 to be released soon.

First of all, thank you for the welcome ;D

I supposed it was 7,6 because is the only number I saw… but maybe it’s not the version ::slight_smile: (yes, you can see that I’m really bad with computers haha)

And I don’t know where it was downloaded because I didn’t do it, it was my father and he doesn’t remember where he downloaded it. I’m a disaster :-[

Well… I was trying to uninstall the program, download it another time and install it right, but I need the ****** password for do it…

Sorry for the poor info.


Just like CharleyO said before, there is no avast 7.6 (yet). You can download the official avast at http://www.avast.com/ for the Home Edition. And then you can get the free license key, by registering using your email at http://www.avast.com/eng/home-registration.php

So, I hope it works for you since it worked for everybody else.