I Paid ~$5000 for Avast!...

…and unwanted software is still being pushed on me.

I spent thousands of dollars to put antivirus on hundreds of computers across half the country, and get unwanted Google software pushed on nearly every Avast! program update.


Chrome and Google Toolbar interfere with business systems (some websites MUST be viewed in Internet Explorer; Google Toolbar blocks necessary popups).

I know that “just unchecking the box” will prevent the software from being installed, but who here thinks than the hundreds of users will simply uncheck the box? If you even assume a meagre 10% will, you are not in the IT industry.

My gripe is not the quality of the Google software, my gripe is that I PAID for Avast! Pro and have it in a corporate environment. (Due to the distributed environment, “Endpoint Protection” will not work.)

A “Paid For” version of any software SHOULD NOT push third party software on the purchaser. I understand pushing said software with the free version to create a revenue stream (Google pays Avast! to offer it’s software), which, in my books, is perfectly fine.

Avast!, please, please, please do not push third part software on us paying customers (or at the very least have the option UNCHECKED by default).

I love Avast!. I’ve been using it since version 3. I want to use Avast!, however this issue (that should not exist in the first place) causes enough extra work for me that I will be looking elsewhere if the issue is not resolved when my subscription expires.


Please sir, let’s have a conversation, so I m may personally help you address your problem! I provide quality avast! tech support for the USA, from the USA, for 11 years now. I can help you solve your problem, sir!


J.R. Guthrie
Advantage Micro Corporation

email me you phone number to avastATadvantage77.comCOM as a cannot post my phone number here

I don’t appreciate the solicitation, and I do not live in your country. I’ve been using Avast for YEARS and have been in the IT industry for over a decade. I know that you cannot fix this issue. You just see that I spent a pile of cash on Avast! and you want a piece of it. You will be getting none of it; better luck next time. Your website, by the way, is worse than awful.


You already have paid for avast! So no money there.

I have many OEM clients with the same issue.

It was just a share of information, that is all. I really care about avast!, or I would not even bother with you.

So, just bite the hand that offers help!

Hands taste good (especially the ones handling the food).

Why can you not share the information here? It would help me and everyone else who has the same issue.


I agree with “PC…”, STOP PUSHING THINGS TO PAYING CUSTOMERS! Or at least make it an opt-in rather than an opt-out.

It’s like when you install or upgrade Java (from Oracle) – I always have to make sure I uncheck the Ask Toolbar checkbox!! Really annoying!!

Me too.

Hello guys. Thanks for feedback.

We considered this a lot.

Google distribution helps us to pay the bill for the Free users. The “Trials” are used as a baseline for our Paid Products so at the first point we don’t know whether you are paid or trial/free user.

You are completely right, we shouldn’t push this to our paid users but at the moment it’s quite difficult to distinguish Paid and Trial/Free. (We should do something about it :slight_smile:


  1. The Opt-in/Opt-out solution may be worth a test for new installations. I will consult this with the eComm department.
  2. I’ll see if we can somehow easily completely disable this in the update screen for paid products.

Hello Ed, It’s hard to imagine “Eduard Kucera” and “newbie” on the same post (Ed is one of the founding fathers!) This is also a discussion now in the Reseller Forum. Upon installation, we do have to answer this question on install, to “supply a license file” vs “trial mode” Some simple logic here could dictate the “Google” screen to be skipped when “supplying a license file.”

Now for the “Google” screen, it seems that it is somewhat confusing for some users. I always think that some user education is very prudent here. Users need to know why they would want to install Google Chrome. Those reasons are:

Over 50% of all vulnerabilities, and thus infections, occur through Oracle Java, and Adobe Flash. To fully prevent these infections from this vector, it is best to un-install BOTH Oracle Java, and Adobe Flash from Add / Remove Programs.

Then, for applications requiring Java or Flash, use Google Chrome. Chrome uses internal Java and Flash application emulators that are NOT vulnerable like their original counter parts. This policy works for 95% of users, and we have this discussion with most clients, so they know why they need Chrome. And if they already have Chrome, or don’t want it, then the Opt out button should be larger text, so there is no mistaking it! This explanation works very well for us, ESPECIALLY after the U.S. Homeland Security told our citizens to remove this vulnerability!

I think the “Goolge” page requires some statement as to the why, and the effectiveness, of OUR recommendation!


J.R. “AutoSandbox Guy” Guthrie