I purchased the Avast Cleanup license but will NOT activate

Can someone from tech support PLEASE send me my activation code! I tried the “Use This License” option but it hangs. And when I try to retrieve my activation code on line it gives me a 505 Error.

The confirmation email DID NOT contain the activation code!! PLEASE send it to me! Thanks! Very frustrating >:( >:(!

Try to activate it through your account > https://my.avast.com

Thanks for the info…but I tried that several times and it just gives me an error:

ERROR 305 - The requested service is not available at the momement

avast is changing things on the website/servers to make things better, could be they are working on it now.
Try again in a few hours and if it still fails, submit a ticket.

thanks for the info

You’re welcome and please post here if you succeeded or had to submit a ticket.
The information might help others.

Hi rprose813,

We are investigating the reason of such error message.
I noticed, though, that you are using an old version of Avast. Could you please update to the latest version and try again? Details here https://www.avast.com/faq.php?article=AVKB6#artTitle