When I saw the Avast freaking out, I ran a boot scan out of fear that my PC was infected. Now it moved a TON of false positive files to my virus chest, what can I do? There’s not a restore option that I see. Help please!?
Just out of curiosity, are the false positives anything other than temp internet files? That is all I received and the latest update v6.0.1000 Definition 110411-2 fixed my problem and I haven’t needed to restore anything.
If you choose to restore, I believe that you can right click the name of the file in question and choose to delete, restore, etc.
Hope this helps!
Not very fun stuff.
Seems to have affected html and javascript files.
Go to virus chest and right click on each one then select restore.
You can also push the Ctrl key to make multiple selections.
Be very careful of what you restore. Most of my false positives were simply temporary internet files.
I only had one program file that was sent to the chest.
I did the same thing… I eventually aborted when I figured that there was no way that all of these files were infected, and came here to confirm that there is some sort of fluke with the last update or so.
Anyway, as mentioned, you can restore by right clicking the file and choosing “restore.”
They are HTML: Script-inf files. I had just run a full scan last night and hadn’t been on the PC since then. I don’t see any options when I right click on them, at least not in the scan results page. In the virus vault, there is a repair option, but not restore.
Okay, I found the restore option in the virus chest. I’m gonna be clicking it all night! They better fire the guy who made this update…I am furious! It’s one thing for a free version, I paid good money for this program.
According to VLK the definitions only affected websites nothing more nothing less.
Sorry, I read too fast and missed the hold control instruction.
So you’re saying the the ton of files it calls viruses… all the HTML:Script-inf files are actual viruses? That seems impossible. I barely use this computer and it has run boot scans and full scans very recently, as in since the last time I used the PC. All this started during the time Avast had it’s little freak out. Sorry if I don’t understand the point you’re making.
I ran a virus scan (133 files found) and a bootscan (2,943 files found) and moved them all to the virus chest before I realized this whole thing was a false positive. These files are all HTML.
How can I restore all these files w/o clicking on each one?
Do I have to restore them? If they are temp files as suggested above, can they just be deleted?
This whole thing completely freaked me out. I have run scans w/Avast for years and never found a single infection. I just about had a heart attack when it started finding all this stuff.
Anybody know what to do?
I updated to version 6 finally and I must add I am very dissapointed.
I just spend 2 hours on things that were false positives:
After updating Avast would block codes from ym email when I opened them, things there were not virusses but from msn messenger which communicates with hotmail.
After that I tried looking things up online on this forum and it would block things.
I later found out it was all java coding that was blocked.
So I decided to do a scan and was horrified that after 10 minutes it had removed 3000 files all from the help folder of my CS3 Flash.
The help files in question are to assist you with coding actionscript as part of the help file.
Then I became suspicious and ran another scanner: Malwarebytes and Avast would block things that the program was scanning, amongst them:
helpfiles int he .js format of all my video games such as Sims Medieval, Dragon age 2, Dragon age 1 and others from my other Adobe products like from Dreamweaver. All of the same .js format.
The program Malwarebytes came out clean however and so I decided to scan with Combofix because if there was anything going on that was nasty then Combofix could find it. It came out clean and the program reboots to make a log, suddenly Avast pops in again and says it might be a suspicious program and if I wanted to run it yes/no/sand box it which was insane.
I was tempted to turn back to version 5 at that point and decided to try and see if maybe it needed an update or anything because the whole problem started when my father called me and told me his avast wouldnt update to 6 (so I tried to do it myself to see if it happened to me as well). There were no updates it said but ever since then everything ran smooth and stable again, no longer do javascript commands get blocked in my email etc.
Then I read here that there was a version that saw all javascript files as false positives and I was enraged by it. Thank god I didn’t move all 3000 files and only had to restore half of them.
What angers me the most is that right after updating from 5->6 Avast says it cannot update more and then goes on a shooting rampage against all that is java etc.
I was worried I had to reinstall Windows or something as result of an infection. Instead I wasted 2 hours on scanning when nothing was wrong.
For anyone who wants to restore:
beware you do not restore anything real virus.
The chest uses basic commands that Windows uses like: hold ctrl+click allows you to select multiples and if you click the top and shift click the bottom of the list you then select the whole pack in between as well. If you have selected the whole list with shift+click you can use ctrl+click to pick out ones that do not have to be selected.
Come on people you know this, it works with selecting files/maps/anything in Windows
On apple shift=command
IF you want to restore multiple files, hold down control or shift while selecting them.
Should I just restore all the results from today, and then immediately run another boot scan now that the program is repaired to be safe?
and then what? avast automatically ran boot scan and i chose to delete all the infected files… my system has become compromised?
I’d like to know if there is anything we can do about deleted files please. I have mine set to delete (not move to chest). I figure if its infected I dont want it, & if its an important file thats infected then I still dont want it!
So from what I can tell its .htm files & .js files, any others?
Its clobbered me for anything by Electronic Arts, World of Warcraft, Google Sketchup, & Nvidia. & a whole bunch of other stuff but it was too fast to read.
I was running a boot-time scan when I realised it was an error & stopped it, but I have lost over 10,000 files.
So is there anything I can do about deleted files?
i saw avast deleting file from windvd2010 and other directories…
What a mess. Once I’ve restored the files, the entry still stays in the chest. There are so many!
What do I do after they have been restored? Do I just leave all those entries in the chest?
I assume a staff member will occasionally check these threads? It seems we’re all having the same problem and I haven’t heard an actual solution.
I’m not a staff member, but a user like you, with a couple of answers at least.
Once restored, a copy is kept in the chest in case you make a mistake with the file or the restore fails somehow. Once you confirm that it has worked correctly, said files can be deleted from the chest.
Delete is not the best idea, as may be obvious now. Unfortunately it can take a mistake for these things to become truly apparent to everyone…AFAIK there are ways to recover previously deleted files, but I would not be the one to ask on this subject.
an “actual solution” is to upgrade to 110411-2, however the deleted files are gone…