i really need help

I’m new to this stuff and i’m really having a hard time with these viruses. I have downloaded avast and spybot but nothing is taking theses things away. My problem is i have just got this Win32 revop (trj)
system32 \ in10b6s.dill(upx) could someone please tell me what that is? I have tryed to delete it sevreal times,i even tryed to put in chast files to delete from there and it just won’t delete. I even tryed to clean it with the avast cleaner and that doesn’t help either. Please Please help me
Thank you burgandyrose49

try to delete in safe mode

mmmmmmmmm still didn’t answer my ?
what kind of viruse is this i have recieved?
win32 revop(trj), i have done a search on it and it comes up with nothing on this one. Also i am new to computor and i don’t understand how to delete theses viruses in safe mode. could you help me through this?

win32 revop(trj), i have done a search on it and it comes up with nothing on this one.
thats because all but the really widespread viruses and worms have diffrent names ex: avast may call it revop but F-Secure may call it relop. so to get more info scan at trend micro http://housecall.trendmicro.com and then search for that name and you will get info.
Also i am new to computor and i don't understand how to delete theses viruses in safe mode.
you could navigate to the system folder and delete it manually OR scan with avast in safe mode and let avast delete it for you


a search for REVOP yields at least ten hits, one of them giving you the link (by raman) to descriptions:

you get into SafeMode by pressing F8 continuously while the PC is booting
(or holding the shift key on W9x ) :wink: