I removed the account

I stupidly removed my account, so, as it told me, Avast deleted all the saved password with the account. Can I restore said account or my stupidity won? Ty

No, it is not possible as all data has been removed.

Actually we have solved the issue via PM 8)

In general

  • if user deletes his my avast account while password synchronization is turned on then data are lost and it can’t be recovered!
  • if user just removes device from avast account, while he was synchronizing passwords and he has no other device which can authorize new devices for synchronization he still may use self-authorization feature by following this guide: https://www.avast.com/faq.php?article=AVKB92

As I understood the user had removed his account, not just his device.

To anna,
I suggest you export the passwords so you will always have a (local) backup also.