I shut down my computer whilst Avast was installing? Should I re-install?

So my computer froze in the midst of installing Avast. When I booted the computer up again the installation went on as normal but should I just re-install to avoid any issues or isn’t that neccesesary?

If the installation continued after the reboot and completed, it should A) have done an integrity check and B) requested a reboot.

Did it request a reboot on completion ?

If you have been using avast for a while, try cycling through the various screens of the UI checking options/functions and see if you bump into anything.

I didn’t see if it requested a reboot. And I believe all the functions are working correctly, though when I did a network scan I think it listed my device more than once, once in detected devices and once in my device section. Is there any danger to do a quick uninstall and a reinstall?

Danger ? No.
But there is no need to do so if everything is working.

I did a repair, and it failed to detect a language path or something.

Edit: I re-installed Avast using the same installer that I downloaded yesterday, didn’t need to do a reboot after installation either. So I think it’s all good now.

I personally always do a reboot after an update just to be sure that all registry changes have taken effect. :slight_smile:

Well, I have shut down and booted the computer since I did the install so it’s all good.