it no longer recognizes that I bought a license. The website says 0/1.
I didn’t install it on any other computer. I just tried uninstalling Avast! (also paid for), rebooting, and reinstalling it. At least Grimefighter seems to be part of the suite again.
(removing Grimefighter from uninstall applications in windows7 (x64) and reinstalling did not work).
Seems to be the upgrade to 2015 when the problem started? Maybe?
I have the same problem I think. Downloaded 2015 today, and when I ran GrimeFighter it doesn’t recognize my purchased and valid license. If I check on my licenses it says it is there, but just wants me to purchase another one. I can’t find the original license key amongst everything else I have. This sucks…
I tried following the software support in the software. It said to get to the screen that wants me to purchase software I already own. Click on “Do you already own this software” at the bottom. Then I am supposed to put in my email address and password, then GrimeFighte will work. Well, there Is no place to type in that information. Very frustrating. I really need this to be working.
I’m having the exact same problem! Grimefigher is listed with my licenses. It shows that it’s valid, yet I can’t run Grimefighter. It wants me to repurchase it. I’d love to know how to fix this, too. So frustrating!
They reset it once (and it didn’t work) then they said I had it installed on two computers. A month or two ago I did move my hard drive from an R500 to a T500 without a complete re installation of the software. It wasn’t until Avast 2015 upgrade that problems happen. Well, they reset “both” licenses/computers and now I was able to validate my machine. For this problem to happen to so many people it makes me wonder if their licensing server crashed or the install of the upgrade incorrectly flagged the license use.
Anyway, it appears to be working now. I haven’t run it yet though.