Hi. I’ve decided to connect two computers with an Ethernet cable to share one network (wireless USB modem). The host computer runs Windows XP, the client - Windows 7 Ultimate. I’ve allowed sharing in the wireless network settings and the first time it worked (I believe that means I have the right type of cable etc.). The next time I turned the computers it wasn’t working (on the client computer) except for Skype - it was working with no problem. I tried to use various guides to change the settings of my connection (manually add IP addresses etc.) still nothing, I had to restore both machines to an earlier point… Then on the host (XP) computer avast broke down, the protection was off and I wasn’t able to turn it on, I had to use the avast uninstaller through Safe Mode and then I reinstalled it, then I connected both computers - voila - internet works on both of them. I reboot - only Skype works on the client computer.
This now leads me to believe that avast is blocking full sharing. All the guides to troubleshoot this issue use the firewall settings, which I’m unable to find in my free version. What do I do? Where in avast do I check the box for it to allow ICS?
Hi Evaldas5211,
Avast! Free does not have a firewall in it. You can only get this with Avast Internet Security. I may be wrong, but Avast! Pro a/v does not have a firewall either?
You are using an Ethernet crossover cable to connect? A regular CAT5 or 6 cable will not work.
Other issues can be dealt with once the above is acknowledged and addressed.
BTW, Avast! does not like a system restore, as you have found out.
I had to restore both machines to an earlier point... Then on the host (XP) computer avast broke downyou have to turn off avast self protection before you restore...... if not it usually ends with a reinstall
I’m not sure exactly, but as I said before at one point the internet was fully working on the client computer via sharing, which leads me to believe that it is the right kind of cable… It’s blue, if that helps
Right now the internet isworking on the client computer… I guess it just works whenever it feels like it
It's blue, if that helpseee..... no. ;)
Ok, on the cable it says “CAT.5e”
Just so you know, one of the many ways to connect two computers together is by using a ‘crossover cable’. There are other ways to create a network between two or more computers, but a crossover cable is used only for connecting two computers together.
An Ethernet CAT5, CAT5e, or CAT6 cable is used with RJ45 connectors. These connectors are much bigger in size than the RJ11 connectors used for the phone line jacks that the phone line plugs into. RJ is just an industrial nomenclature for a class of connectors so those in the industry will know immediately what the other service tech is talking about.
The difference between a standard CAT Ethernet cable and a crossover CAT is in the final wiring inside the RJ45 connectors. The cable itself is identical between both standards, but the type of final wiring is different; hence the application for that type of cable is different.
Standard CAT cable RJ45 wiring pictures: https://www.google.com/#hl=en&sugexp=les%3Bcqrwrth&gs_nf=1&gs_mss=standard%20cat%205%20&cp=30&gs_id=tp&xhr=t&q=standard+cat+5+wiring+pictures&pf=p&biw=1280&bih=832&sclient=psy-ab&oq=standard+cat+5+wiring+pictures&gs_l=&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&fp=bf9b9feea80a886a
Crossover CAT cable RJ45 wiring pictures: https://www.google.com/#hl=en&biw=1280&bih=832&sclient=psy-ab&q=crossover+cable+pictures&oq=crossover+cable+pictures&gs_l=hp.12..0i30j0i8i30.1808.12263.0.15490.,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&fp=bf9b9feea80a886a
The color of the cable has nothing to do with the application used. It is the wiring inside the RJ45 connector you should look into; be sure to look at both ends to determine what type of wiring you have, and thus the type of application cable you have. It is either standard in wiring or it is a crossover.
Standard will not work in your setup unless you use a router. A crossover cable does not need a router to work. Crossover is a direct connection between two computers. The last is what you seem to say is what you have. Hence, the wiring inside the RJ45 connectors must be set to the crossover standard to work at all.
So I bought a cross-over Ethernet cable - and it’s the same - first time it worked, after rebooting - only Skype works…